doctor-icon Doctors

Click on the ongoing challenges that face doctors below that you would like to significantly improve.

This will automatically prompt ChatGPT to start a conversation about the key problems & frustrations associated with the challenge.

  • badge-1
    Voice of the Patient Insights
  • badge-2
    Medical Education & Lifelong Learning
  • badge-4
    Medication Error Prevention
  • badge-3
    Staff Burnout & Job Satisfaction
  • badge-6
    Clinical Diagnosis Accuracy

reserach-icon Research & Ideate

As a team make your own prompts to gain deeper insights. Inspired by ChatGPT and your team’s collaborative problem-solving skills, create an innovative idea that addresses the specific problem that you identified with the the medic challenge.


tick-icon Submit Final Idea

Generate different ideas before choosing your favourite one. Give your idea a memorable name, briefly describe it and submit.

Voice of the Patient Insights
*After the submission deadline you will get a link to vote on your favourite idea and build on another team’s ideas. Winners of Best Original Idea (Team) and Best Build Idea (Individual) will then be announced.