Click on the ongoing challenges that face doctors below that you would like to significantly improve.
This will automatically prompt ChatGPT to start a conversation about the key problems & frustrations associated with the challenge.
Voice of the Patient Insights
Medical Education & Lifelong Learning
Medication Error Prevention
Staff Burnout & Job Satisfaction
Clinical Diagnosis Accuracy
Research & Ideate
As a team make your own prompts to gain deeper insights. Inspired by ChatGPT and your team’s collaborative problem-solving skills, create an innovative idea that addresses the specific problem that you identified with the the medic challenge.
Submit Final Idea
Generate different ideas before choosing your favourite one. Give your idea a memorable name, briefly describe it and submit.

Voice of the Patient Insights
*After the submission deadline you will get a link to vote on your favourite idea and build on another team’s ideas. Winners of Best Original Idea (Team) and Best Build Idea (Individual) will then be announced.